Diffusion and Adoption of Innovative Products: Studying Consumer Behavior in Social Networks


  • Thiago Ayres Barreira de Campos Barros
  • Samuel Façanha Câmara
  • Brenno Buarque
  • Fabiane de Barros Figueirêdo Cavalcante


innovative products; social networks; consumer behavior.


The purpose of this study was to analyze how the dynamics for
the adoption of innovative products is affected by the behavior
of consumers in social networks. To achieve this objective, a
quantitative survey was carried out by 400 questionnaires on a
Likert-type scale. The data were analyzed based on structural
equation modeling techniques using Partial Least Squares (PLS).
The results of this research present both theoretical and practical
contributions. Regarding the theoretical contribution, the results
provide subsidies to expand the innovation-diffusion models,
since the literature lacks studies that jointly consider consumer
behavior in social network and the dynamics for the adoption of
innovative products. It was found that: i) self-perception of opinion
disseminators influences acceptance of innovation; ii) self-
-perception of opinion seekers influence acceptance of innovation;
(iii) collaborative attitudes influence acceptance of innovation;
iv) risk aversion influences self-perception of opinion seekers;
v) perceived attitude regarding risk consumption influences
self-perception of opinion seekers; vi) risk aversion influences
collaborative attitudes regarding collaboration. Concerning the
practical contribution, the results of this study provide sources
248 Organizações em contexto, São Bernardo do Campo, ISSNe 1982-8756 • Vol. 20, n. 39, jan.-jun. 2024
Thiago Ayres Barreira de Campos Barros; Samuel Façanha Câmara
Brenno Buarque; Fabiane de Barros Figueirêdo Cavalcante
for strategies concerning the diffusion of innovative products in
social networks.




Como Citar

Barros , T. A. B. de C., Câmara , S. F., Buarque, B., & Cavalcante, F. de B. F. (2024). Diffusion and Adoption of Innovative Products: Studying Consumer Behavior in Social Networks. Organizações Em Contexto, 20(39). Recuperado de https://revistas.metodista.br/index.php/organizacoesemcontexto/article/view/13