Efficiency of Public Policies for Higher Education: the Case of People’s Republic of China


  • Danilo de Melo Costa


This research performs the analysis of the main public policies for higher education in People’s Republic of China between the
period from 2003 to 2012, starting from a gap to be explored concerning the proposition of new public policies to assist in
financing higher education worldwide, taking as reference practices already carried out in other country. When it comes to the
methodological procedures, the study was designed as exploratory and quantitative, in which a group of public policies were
statistically analyzed, using as reference the compound annual growth rate (CAGR), taking into account the investment made
and the number of students attended in the period, in order to check the efficiency of each policy. The results showed a series
of possibilities to promote the advancement of higher education worldwide, with examples of policies that can be replicated to
other nations, and, therefore, assist them in their development.




Como Citar

Costa, D. de M. (2024). Efficiency of Public Policies for Higher Education: the Case of People’s Republic of China. Revista Organizações Em Contexto, 15(29), 155–190. Recuperado de https://revistas.metodista.br/index.php/organizacoesemcontexto/article/view/879