
  • Patricia G. Palazzo Tsai
  • Jung Mo Sung



Palabras clave:

Interfaith Dialogue, Environment, Universal Responsibility, Ecological Conversion


This essay aims to provide an initial discussion on how environmental problems have been analysed, in which we will propose that the analyses so far were composed by four types of approaches, not necessarily articulated with each other, and because of it, they are not enough to overcome obstacles to preserve Nature, human and non-human life. Our proposition intends to deal with the necessity to make the different layers of discussion on ecological matters explicit, and also to add a fifth layer, that would help to address these issues – for instance the deforestation in Brazil – using two theological-spiritual notions from the XIV Dalai Lama and Pope Francis. The proposed layers are composed by levels or depths: first, the biological; second, the economic; third, the institutional; and fourth, the worldview of rational thought. The fifth would be one of ecological conversion/education of hearts (universal responsibility) as proposed by the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis. In this layer conversion/education does not mean the same as the reason thinking process, but a shift in the way we live and see reality. This multi-layered approach is needed to address these urgent and complex issues we face in the times we live in; our home is on fire. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss a shift in how we perceive local matters on a global scale and vice-versa, as well as the necessity to analyse ecological issues in layers to understand why and how we can solve the problems that now threaten our lives.

Biografía del autor/a

Patricia G. Palazzo Tsai

Doutoranda em Ci.ncias da Religi.o pela UMESP. Visiting Scholar na Universidade de St. Andrews (2023/2024-1). Mestra em Ci.ncias da Religi.o pela UMESP. Membra do Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics, da Universidade de St. Andrews. Professora do Instituto Pramāna e Diretora Jur.dica da Associa..o Buddha-Dharma. Co-fundadora da Sakyadhita S.o Paulo.

Jung Mo Sung

Graduado em Filosofia (1984) e em Teologia (1984), com doutorado em Ci.ncias da Religi.o pela Universidade Metodista de S.o Paulo (1993). Desenvolveu pesquisa de p.s-doutorado em Educa..o pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (2000). Foi professor nos Programas de P.s-Gradua..o em Ci.ncias da Religi.o na PUC-SP e na UMESP. Foi membro do Comit. Cient.fico do GT “Class, Religion and Theology” da American Academy of Religion. . professor visitante da Yonsei University/Global Institute of Theology, Coreia do Sul e Visiting Scholar da Wendland-Cook Academic Fellows da Vanderbilt University, EUA.



Cómo citar

G. Palazzo Tsai, P., & Mo Sung, J. (2025). OUR HOME IS ON FIRE: A FIVE-LAYERED APPROACH TO PRESERVE NATURE, HUMAN AND NON-HUMAN LIFE. Estudos De Religião, 38(3), 368–385. https://doi.org/10.15603/2176-1078/er.v38n3p368-385

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